Linda C. Lemke
Pastel Paintings
Linda has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti and also a Masters Degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. She is a Registered Landscape Architect and has been in business in that field for over 35 years. As an Artist she has painted full time in the mediums of pastels and acrylics for the past 16 years.
She has been painting miniature paintings in pastels for the past 12 years. She was awarded the honor of Fellow with the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts (NAME) in 2010. Her Pastel Miniature Paintings are sold in miniature shows nationally. One miniature pastel painting took second place in a full size art competition. She has collectors for her miniature pastel paintings throughout the United States and abroad. She has had 2 feature articles written about her Miniature Pastel Paintings in Miniature Collector and Dollhouse Miniatures Magazines. Her work is exhibited in 4 miniature museums and for sale in one miniature museum.
She has shown, won honors, and sold her full size paintings in local and national art shows throughout Michigan.
Artists Statement
I paint in pastels because I love the feel of them on my fingers and the soft marks they make on the paper. They are a direct connection between earth, a rainbow of color, and what I observe. I do not choose my subjects – they choose me. Painting with pastels is like painting with part of the earth. The pigment allows an immediacy of color and a hand on experience with the chalk that is not present in any other painting medium. I use contrasting colors in my paintings to express the joy and vibrancy of nature.
My landscapes and florals are painted from local areas around Ann Arbor and my hometown, South Haven, MI. By using vibrant colors I interpret the landscape in an ageless way.
The landscapes and outdoor flowers flash me a special look that makes my very being come alive. That’s the moment - I have to paint it! The colors of nature inspire me to push them further – emphasize even more the relationship of vibrating colors, contrasts, and light. With miniature paintings it is all about how small can I go and still convey that feeling of immediacy and wonder.